Can You Avoid Menopause?

3 Minutes
Can You Avoid Menopause?
Jody Allen
Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. But how can you AVOID going into menopause?

Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but can happen earlier or later. Menopause is diagnosed when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. Menopause is part of the aging process for women, so unfortunately there is no way to prevent menopause. But there are lots of ways to 'fool' your body into believing you aren't in Menopause.

There is a New Medical Procedure that Could Delay Menopause Up to 20 Years

In the United Kingdom, IVF specialists have trialed a medical procedure called 'Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation' that aims to delay menopause for up to 20 years!

The procedure is intended for women under the age of 40. It involves removing some ovarian tissue via keyhole surgery. The tissue is sliced up and preserved via freezing. When the women naturally start going into menopause, the frozen tissue can be thawed and grafted back into the body - but not specifically the ovaries. In order to restore hormone levels, the doctors choose a part of the body that has an excellent blood flow - the armpit.

The ovarian tissue in theory can produce enough hormone levels for women's periods to resume. The tissue effectively 'tricks' the body into thinking it is younger than it actually is.

Although this procedure is being trialed, Doctors currently do a version of this procedure to protect the fertility of girls and women undergoing cancer or radiation treatment. The ovarian tissue is removed and frozen. When the woman wants to try for a child, the tissue is defrosted and grafted onto the woman's fallopian tubes. According to The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, over 200 births have been reported worldwide using cryopreservation technology, including three who had their ovarian tissue removed during childhood.

Although this procedure sounds extremely promising for women hoping to put off menopause for a few more years, the costs involved in removing the tissue and storing it can be prohibitive. Plus each 'slice' of ovarian tissue has a limited life span, so a woman may need to come back for 'top ups' every few years.

Smokers Go Into Menopause YEARS Earlier Than Non-Smokers

Yes if you are a smoker, you can expect to go into menopause two years earlier than your non-smoking friends of the same age. Smoking ages the body, including the ovaries, sending you into Perimenopause earlier. Another great reason to give up the smokes.

In fact smoking is the only lifestyle factor that is proven to encourage the onset of menopause!

If you Breastfed Your Children You Have a Lower Chance of Going into Menopause Early

If you breastfed your children for at least seven to twelve months during their infancy, you have a lower chance of going into early menopause before the age of 45. A Study that analyzed 100,000 women between the ages of 25 and 42 showed that one pregnancy lowered the risk of early menopause by 8%. Two pregnancies lowered that to 16%, and three pregnancies by 22%.

Breastfeeding has a Beneficial Effect on Early Menopause Symptoms

You Can't Prevent Menopause - But You Can Treat The Symptoms

So you can't prevent menopause from happening, but you don't have to suffer for it. There are so many options, both natural and medical that can ease the symptoms of menopause.

The most common treatment is Hormone Replacement Therapy - which effectively 'fools' your body into believing it is still fertile by increasing the body's estrogen levels. HRT does come with small risks, however the medical fraternity tell us that the benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy far outweigh the risks involved.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Can You Avoid Menopause?
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