The Lesser-Known Side of Menopause: Delving into the Rarest Symptoms

Health and Wellbeing
3 Minutes
Rarest Symptoms of Menopause
Jody Allen
By now, we've all heard about the infamous hot flushes, mood swings, and those sleepless nights that menopause can bring. But today, we’re setting sail into uncharted waters, exploring the mysterious, the lesser-known, and the downright quirky symptoms of menopause. Fasten your seat belts (or better yet, pour yourself a cuppa or a glass of bubbly) because we're diving deep!

Setting the Stage

Menopause is Mother Nature’s way of ushering in a new era of our lives. While it often comes with a stereotypical set of symptoms, remember, every woman's journey is as unique as her fingerprint. And sometimes, amidst the familiar, we encounter the unexpected.

Rarest Symptoms of Menopause

The Rarest of the Rare Symptoms of Menopause

Burning Mouth Syndrome:

Ever felt like you’ve had a hot curry when all you've eaten is toast? Welcome to the quirky world of burning mouth syndrome. It's a sensation of burning or tingling in the mouth, and while not the talk of the town, it's a real thing for some menopausal women.

Electric Shocks:

Nope, we're not talking about static from your favorite woolly jumper. Some women report feeling electric shock sensations under the skin or in the head. It's brief but can be a tad startling. No, you’re not turning into a superhero, it's just menopause working in mysterious ways!

Itchy Skin:

If you find yourself scratching away, suspecting an allergy, and can't find the culprit, menopause might be your silent mischief-maker. Hormonal changes can make the skin feel drier and itchier than a summer mosquito bite.

Digestive Troubles:

While your gut might be robust enough to handle a spicy taco or two, menopause can sometimes give it a run for its money. Bloating, gas, and even a change in bowel habits can all sneak in thanks to those shifting hormones.

Change in Odour:

This one’s a little personal, but hey, we're all friends here! Some women notice a change in body odour during menopause. If you find yourself sniffing and thinking, “Is that me?” - blame the hormones, not last night's garlic bread.


Hearing random ringing in your ears? It’s not the neighbour's teen learning the drums, and you're not hearing things. A few women report experiencing tinnitus as a symptom of menopause.


If the room occasionally feels like it’s spinning (and no, not because of that third glass of wine), it could be one of the lesser-known symptoms of menopause making its appearance.

Brittle Nails:

If your nails are chipping more than the old paint on the backyard fence, menopause might be having a go at your nail health.


Did a sneeze just sneak up on you while enjoying strawberries, even though you've eaten them all your life? New allergies or an intensification of existing ones can sometimes crop up.

Gum Problems:

Menopause might be silently sneaking into your mouth, causing gum sensitivity, bleeding, or even a metallic taste.

Easing Into the Unknown

Encountering rare symptoms can feel a bit alien. But here's what you can do:

Knowledge is Power:

Being aware that these symptoms exist can prevent that mini panic attack when they surprise you.

Consult, Consult, Consult:

Always reach out to your healthcare professional when something feels off. It's better to discuss and dismiss rather than ignore.

Stay Connected:

Share your experiences with friends or online communities. Chances are, someone else is also sailing in the same boat and can offer advice or just a listening ear.

The Wrap-Up

Menopause, with all its common and rare quirks, is a testament to the incredible journey of being a woman. Yes, it can be a roller coaster, but with the right mindset, a sprinkle of humour, and an arsenal of knowledge, it can be a ride worth remembering. Always remember, regardless of the symptom, common or rare, you’re not alone. And every phase, every challenge, is just a stepping stone to a wiser, sassier you.

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