I Hate You and I'm Leaving! Menopause and Mood Changes

3 Minutes
Menopause and Mood Changes
Jody Allen
Menopause and Mental Health Issues are Intricately linked. And if you have suffered from any mental health condition in the past before going through menopause, there is a very good chance that those conditions can be exacerbated by the onset of Menopause (the onset is called 'Perimenopause).

Menopause and Divorce:

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life characterized by the cessation of menstruation and a decline in reproductive hormones. While menopause itself is not a direct cause of divorce, it can have an impact on relationships due to the physical, emotional, and psychological changes that women may experience during this time.

According to a study in the United Kingdom, divorce rates peak during a woman's menopausal years: that being aged 45 to 49 years. This is not surprising when you consider the physical and phycological impact of menopause on a woman's body. The period of change, which can last from 10 - 14 years, can highlight issues couple's existing struggles.

A survey conducted by The Family Law Menopause Project and Newson Health Research showed that 74% of the survey respondents blamed Menopause as a factor in the breakdown of their relationship, even though they didn't recognise it at the time.

This is why knowing the effects of Menopause on mood and the mind is so important for both you, and your partner to be aware of.

More Reading: How Do You Explain Menopause to a Man?

Menopause and Mood Changes

Relationship Problems Caused by Menopause

Menopause Can Make You Feel Like You Are 'Falling Out of Love'

The 'love' hormone in your body is called oxytocin. Your brain floods your body with oxytocin when you give birth, increasing the bond between mother and child. It is also that feeling when you first fall in love with your partner, or the flutter you get in your heart when you see someone that you like. But that love hormone decreases during Menopause. So many women feel like they have fallout out of love with their partner all of a sudden.

The thing is, these feelings may pass, so making any rash decision during this time can be detrimental to your relationship.

Some Women Experience Emotional Detachment During Perimenopause

Whilst most women report experiencing irritability, moodiness and crankiness during the perimenopausal period, others can go the opposite way: Be totally emotionally detached and 'cold'. And this 'coldness' can have a massive effect on an intimate relationship. Your partner can feel shut out and unloved, and it isn't healthy for you to isolate yourself from the people you love.

If you or your partner notice this emotional detachment, please see your GP. Many times this is caused by the drop in estrogen and some Hormone Replacement Therapy may be prescribed.

So How Do Couple's Survive Menopause?

Couples can navigate the challenges of menopause and maintain a strong and supportive relationship by adopting strategies that promote communication, empathy, and mutual understanding.

Open Communication:

Create a safe and open space for honest communication. Encourage each other to express thoughts, concerns, and feelings related to menopause. Discuss the physical and emotional changes that both partners may be experiencing.

Education and Understanding:

Learn about menopause together. Educate yourselves about the physical and emotional changes that occur during this phase. Understanding the hormonal shifts and potential symptoms can help both partners empathize and offer support.

Patience and Empathy:

Be patient and understanding with each other. Recognize that menopause is a natural process and that the associated symptoms and changes are not within your partner's control. Show empathy and offer emotional support during challenging times.

Seek Professional Help:

If the challenges become overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. Couples therapy or individual counseling can provide guidance, tools, and strategies to navigate the changes and challenges of menopause as a couple.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

Support each other in making lifestyle adjustments. Encourage and participate in healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques. These adjustments can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Intimacy and Sexual Health:

Maintain open communication about changes in libido or sexual function. Explore new ways to maintain intimacy and sexual connection that are comfortable for both partners. Seek medical advice if needed to address any specific concerns.

Shared Activities and Quality Time:

Engage in activities that you both enjoy and that promote connection. Spend quality time together, nurturing the emotional bond and enjoying each other's company.

Menopause and Mood Changes
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